Customised images

Filed in ILT on August 17th 06 .

5 a day at McDonalds?

The image above was customised using the Ronald McHummer protest site. This site was put up by someone who disagrees with McDonalds giving away models of Hummer vehicles and allows you to ‘customise’ a drive thru’ restaurant sign.

rbl title as mosaic of pictures from flickr

The image mosaic above was screen grabbed from the Spell with Flickr Web page. You type a word or phrase into the box, and the application searches Flickr for photos that match and displays them as a table of small images. I’m tempted to devise a few alphabets for future use.

Once you have found copyright free images, perhaps using the Yotophoto search engine, you may need to resize them. The Online Image Resizer can help here if you have no photo editing software on your computer, or if you are using a learning centre computer with limited software.

Back to work soon, and a series of quick quizzes is on the way…

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