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Archive for July, 2005

Off line soon :: Not around for a bit ::

Wood photos :: Trees and shadows in local wood. Signs of human activity but no one seen. ::

Blogs and forums :: Some differences between blogs and forums - blogs might encourage student involvement more by being less of a 'performance' but forums might be better for a structured activity ::

Every crowd has a silver lining :: 419 scams amazingly attract 20,000 people to part with real money. ::

Symbols - a cautionary tale :: Beware the use of symbols of a graphic nature in maths lessons - you may have students who take the lesson the wrong way ::

HTML entities :: Maths on the Web is a problem - html entities can provide a limited range of symbols - and I like the immediacy of a blogging approach to Maths. Else it is down to PDFs or scans or Whiteboard captures. ::

Bridge and entry :: Spray can tags on a steel bridge and a newly painted wall ::

Eyes everywhere :: Becky - the 15 year old school refuser - came out with a tirade against surveillance and CCTV, eyes everywhere. She may have had a point. ::

Altitude of the Sun and Moon :: A spreadsheet uses simplified low precision formulas to calculate the altitude of the Sun and the Moon for each hour of a given day. Change the latitude to see the effect of moving into the arctic circle. Change the date to see the effect of slipping towards Winter. ::

A r i a l :: Where did Arial come from? The history of a computer font as told by a typographer. ::

Cookies and privacy :: That 'no entry' sign causes lots of trouble ::

Food miles :: How far has your dinner travelled? Perhaps half way round the planet! ::

Make haste, slowly :: "We live in a world where instant gratification is not fast enough, in a world of not only speed dating, but even of speed yoga, said Mr Honor?�." ::

Dog Star Man :: Stan Brakhage - film maker ::

Sven Jaschan gets suspended sentence :: Sasser worm author gets suspended sentence from German court. ::

Key Skills 4 u :: Web site aims to motivate keyskills lessons - self test quizzes and practice tests. ::

Chi-squared data: flies :: Six datasets based on reproduction experiments with fruit flies - used for chi-squared statistics calculations ::

Xbox chipping and ELSPA :: The European Copyright Directive makes it an offence to alter games consoles so as to circumvent games copying controls. ELSPA has successfully prosecuted a case recently in the UK, and this raises issues about 'change of use' modification of platforms such as the xbox. ::

Bodmas goes Jakob :: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the new Bodmas design is borrowed from Jakob Nielsen's personal site at http://useit.com/ ::

Local pictures :: Pictures around Birmingham city ring road ::

User focus with goals :: “Many sites submitted had no concern for the user on the most basic levels. Rarely could you identify an idea or purpose behind the site, or name a possible user goal the site was intended to facilitate. There was no flow, no legibility, no usability. It wasnt so much that the designers had contempt for [...] ::

Wireless :: 128 kb/s 13 for 24 hours connection time I could be using this for heavy downloading iBook needed the wireless card replacing as well as the combo drive but it is behaving now ::

bodmas.org, Keith Burnett