Make haste, slowly

Filed in Notes on July 14th 05 .

“One department at software firm Veritas has declared Friday e-mail free, and it found that the day has become its most productive.”

“But author Barry Schwartz told the conference that it was better when we had only a few choices of salad dressing instead of the 175 at his local supermarket.”

Comment: Why not make your own salad dressing? I find a litre of good olive oil lasts well, and decent vinegar is cheap enough. The local Asian shops stock fresh corriander, and garlic and black pepper is always available.

A book called In Praise of Slowness can’t be that bad. A very wise colleague was once enduring a terrible meeting with a ‘seagull’ manager – the manager was saying that we needed to increase efficiency by doing things more quickly. My colleague Nick piped up and pointed out that some things needed to be done more slowly – such as talking to students.

  • In Praise of Slowness
  • BBC news page about the Technology, Entertainment and Design conference in Oxford

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