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Archive for the 'Quick Maths Quizzes' Category

Probability questions :: A maths quick quiz for the first 15 minutes of the lesson. I usually kick off the data handling module with the probability topic as it sits on its own and links back to fractions so nicely. ::

How much can you remember? :: Half term break provides a gap long enough to forget some bits of Maths, and this worksheet is designed to jog memories. ::

Quick Quiz 5: Fractions :: Word file with fractions quiz. I use a 10 minute quiz at the start of each lesson to soak up later arrivals and to consolidate the work from the last session. The students get used to working under test conditions ::

Maths Quiz on decimals :: The last one before I have to start using PDFs because of fractions ::

A quiz a day helps the grades… :: ...boost the mark by 5 or 10 and that could mean a whole grade ::

Another maths quiz :: Just 10 minutes at the start of each lesson ::

Quick maths quizzes :: Quick quiz (on paper) at the start of each lesson... ::

bodmas.org, Keith Burnett