Blogging to teachers

i3 venn diagram

i3, teaching in the age of the Web is a blog that I am using to contact teachers on various campusses (campii?) before a staff development event. I want to ask about barriers and to get some information about specific needs in certain curriculum areas of the section I work in. It cost £40 for a year’s hosting, two years domain registration and VAT, and I had the WordPress based blog and a customised theme in place in a couple of hours. This is a personal project, using a blog with teachers in the same way that I have used a blog to support GCSE Maths students. I hope the teachers are a little more interactive than the GCSE Students!

I know from capital requests (it is the season of business plans and spreadsheets) that interactive whiteboards are in demand. I want to publish some good practice on interactive whiteboard use and to find ‘friends’ for each of the boards we will install.

Inform, include, interact came from three ‘dimensions’ or ways of working with Moodle that Alan Staley identified (he uses different words, but the idea of a scale or diagram to encourage teachers to ‘score’ their use of a VLE is his).