
A demo of someone using a mouse to edit a sentence of text projected huge on the screen with commentary. Very straight- a demo in front of 1000 computer types in December 1968 – but possibly more revolutionary than a lot of what was going on in the streets then. I was especially struck by the demo of simple text editing coupled with the idea of ‘jumping’ to other documents.

The sound track has a strange quality probably because of the echo from the PA system in the hall and because of the beeps and tones the primitive computer terminal (already connected by a network to a remote server) was making.

Jay Cross has collected a range of important books that have influenced thinking about learning and the network, and the graphical user interface is central to our current use of computers.

* Deschooling Society – self organised education and learning webs
* As we may think – hypertext imagined in 1945
* The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond. How open source software can be built by many hands quickly.

I’d add a few in as follows

* In the beginning was the command line – Neal Stephenson’s essay about Open Source operating systems and the limits of the graphical user interface
* Turn signals are the facial expression of Automobiles Chapter 6: The Teddy – a possible future…
* Philip and Alex’s Guide to Web Publishing – the book that first made me realise that the Web is about database report generators.

More Maths materials soon – I’m working on the trigonometry YouTube and the simultaneous equation Hot Potatoes quiz.

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