MP3 interview - Simon Wheatley

  • Simon Wheatley is a recently appointed Magnum photographer – his reportage work inlcudes documenting teenagers in the UK
  • Martin Fuchs is a graphic designer and free-lance photographer and Magnum trainee who has been keeping a New York Photography blog for the past few months
  • Fuchs recently interviewed Simon Wheatley for about 2 hours and editied the material down to about 45 minutes, broken into segments
  • You can download the 11 MP3 files. I did, and burnt them to an audio CD. I’m listening now, and the CD will be given to photography students at the College over christmas
  • I like this idea of DIY interviews – just get a copy of Audacity, and set up some decent microphones and record away direct to the hard drive. Then edit, and release.
  • I wonder what Studs Terkel would have made of all this?

One comment from Thomas Sullivan left on the blog page about the interview ...

“a little long I think. What you asked and what he answered, fine, that’s the framework you created, and his honest answers. But, he tends to hem and haw a bit…personally I would have editted his answers, without changing the thought behind them, to eliminate some of his stumbling and hesitations. 45 minutes of “ummmm”, “well”, “I’m not the person you should ask this”, etc. is all very revealing of his humbleness, and the thought he puts behind his answers, but it only needs to be “published” once or twice for us to get the idea…......after that, just cut that stuff out in the editting room, and leave the guts of the answers. my guess is it would end up to be about a 30 minute interview and pretty fast paced, but not lose anything in the translation….IMHO”
Now, I wonder if editing the MP3s could be set as a homework task?