E-learning notes

Download some e-learning notes intended for a group of teachers. PDF, 240 Kb.

These notes are in draft form, and are pure text at present. I will be adding photos and screen grabs later along with full referencing in the famous Harvard format. The notes describe and explain the various ways that a teacher in an FE College in the UK can support students through ICT (ILT, e-learning).

I kick off with a quote from the current OFSTED Inspector’s Handbook that includes a very wide definition of e-learning. Then I look at classroom applications of ILT, moving to support between class meetings using the Web and e-mail. Each section has a list of questions that a teacher could ask in their particular College to find out where things are and who supports ILT.

The notes were hacked up using a wiki, and then the HTML was saved and loaded in Word. I added styles to the headings that gurantee page breaks in sensible places. I ended up exporting the notes to PDF from OpenOffice, as OpenOffice has a PDF export option that adds tags to headings in the PDF file so that you can navigate the file onscreen using section headings.

Any feedback you care to leave would be welcome; just use the contact form. This is a draft and I know I need to do a lot of editing for consistency.