Seeing your content through someone else’s eyes

Reduced size grab of the winning redesign for the BBC Web site

The Reboot :: BBC competition invited people to re-design the BBC Web site, both regarding appearance and the kinds of services offered. Predictably, the winning design Is White With Lots Of Space And Uses Small Fonts And Pastel Colours – the usual Web 2.0 look – complete with a tag cloud at the bottom left. The winners called themselves FF Ecosystem.

The interesting bit (both to me, and more importantly for the winners, the judges) was the idea of allowing users to see how other people view the site content. The designers would include tools that would enable site users to view the selections, choices and content as mixed by other people. For me as a teacher, I’m thinking that I can have a BBC View set up for a class that emphasises content needed for the unit or syllabus and students can then further re-mix this with the views for other units or classes….

Glenn Gould wanted Columbia Records to issue ‘kits’ of recordings of Bach and other composers so that the listeners could choose between different interpretations of the same passage and build their own versions. 35 years later we may be getting close to that with news and other written content.

The image above was taken from the Reboot :: BBC Web site and resized to fit the width of my template. If any interested party has any objections to my use of this image just let me know and I’ll pull it down