Moodle 1.8

Moodle 1.8 blocks are all available by default

I’ve just completed a fresh install of Moodle 1.8 on hosted server space. Download and extract the Moodle package, check I know the paths on bodmas, create a directory that is not visible on the Web to hold the Moodle data, create a MySQL database using the control panel on the bodmas server, copy over the Moodle directory and run install.php. Then log-in as admin and create a demo course and a few demo users.

All the blocks are switched on by default. I can imagine that we will have to see about the ‘social activities’ block after the fun we had with instant messaging on the last upgrade.

The activites list includes the Hot Potatoes Quiz upload feature. You can just upload a quiz file and it runs within Moodle, and the score is written into the grade book. Teachers will be far more likely to use quizzes if they can write them in Hot Potatoes, the quiz system in Moodle is versatile but complex. I am going to try to add and enable the file upload block for students as the beginning of an e-portfolio.

Moodle 1.8 activities - enabled hot potatoes which is off by default

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