June 2nd in London: a one day conference about educational blogging in the UK. Is anyone actually going? I can arrange to get there I think (depends on the GCSE Maths exams).

The organisers are asking for expressions of interest by e-mail. Using a URL as the title makes googling a two step process – usability point there I had not thought of!

April 19th :: Looks like places are limited so I’m out because of the GCSE Exams. I look forward to the results of the event in early June.

Tags ILT, Web

One Response to “blog.ac.uk”

  1. Josie Fraser Says:

    We’re trying to sort out the pointing! We just thought the time was fast approaching so we’d better get a move on. We already have a zillion expressions of interest, so luckily it hasn’t prevented dogged bloggers from finding us.