“Paul Graham”:http://www.paulgraham.com/mac.html quoted on “Daring Fireball”:http://daringfireball.net in a wonderfully named article “Point, Counterpoint: Mac OS X Is Great for Fortysomething Unix Hackers”:http://daringfireball.net/2005/04/point_counterpoint – the title being very close to home.

“In 1994 my friend Koling wanted to talk to his girlfriend in Taiwan, and to save long-distance bills he wrote some software that would convert sound to data packets that could be sent over the Internet. We weren’t sure at the time whether this was a proper use of the Internet, which was still then a quasi-government entity. What he was doing is now called VoIP, and it is a huge and rapidly growing business.”

I wonder if “Neal Stephenson”:http://www.nealstephenson.com/ has considered returning to Apple hardware since his “In the beginning was the Command Line”:http://artlung.com/smorgasborg/C_R_Y_P_T_O_N_O_M_I_C_O_N.shtml and it’s hymn to emacs. We are all getting old. The youngsters click mice….

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