SQR3 reading method

“Survey! Question! Read! Recite! Review!”:http://www.studygs.net/texred2.htm is a reading framework that is suggested for University students.

As I find myself teaching a reading / writing based subject (Forensic ICT) to a group of sixth formers and some adults in the evening, I come up against problems with reading, summarising and writing. I have been ’scaffolding’ complex readings with a set of questions that students answer (Moodle ‘Journal’ items for next year – just starting to use Moodle for an adult class now).

The next phase for the sixthformers is to get them to write their own scaffold, perhaps using the SQR3 method themselves. Might work, only one way to find out!

The same Web site has some “stuff on time management and study motivation”:http://www.studygs.net/concen.htm#Worry%20or%20Think%20Time – I think I’ll leave that one for the universities! One local university has a large Moodle project in flow and some staff are finding the time management aspects of online study useful with students.

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