#!/bin/bash # usage: ./make-index-page.sh Expects to find inc files. # Make new list of pages and update the pinboard rss feed PINBOARD=`perl rss2html.pl http://feeds.pinboard.in/rss/u:keithpeter/` PAGELIST=`perl page-list.pl 2*.html` #Store the modfied files (replace the files with a variable directly if we can in a bit) #PINBOARD=`cat pinboard.inc` #PAGELIST=`cat pagelist.inc` DATETEXT=$(date '+%a %b %d %Y') echo " Keith Peter Burnett's Web page about Maths teaching and ILT

Site Search

Bodmas blog

Last modified: $DATETEXT

External links




Who are you? I'm Keith Burnett and I live and teach Maths in Birmingham, UK. Contact me at ping dot keith at googlemail.com.

What do you do? I support teachers using computers and the Internet to enhance learning. I'm trying to make Moodle a normal thing to use, like e-mail.

Why does it matter? Students want to do learning on the Web, and teachers need to track progress and encourage self-directed learning. Everyone has to work smarter.

How do I start? Start now with something simple, like a class blog. Find the people who support elearning in your college.
