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Magnatune embedding test

Viva Mediva by Mediva

Just testing Magnatune’s new embed this album function. Mediva play early music with a modern twist. Just what you need when spending your Sunday hacking through the marking (again).

The only change I needed to make to the ‘embed’ code on the Magnatune page was to remove the new lines after each angle bracket. Many blogging systems interpret a new line in the code as a new paragraph or line break when they process the html, resulting in a lot of empty lines around the player. I selected the ‘play when the user presses play’ option as otherwise, your computer will attempt to play the audio when the page loads – I have always found that to be intrusive and potentially resource draining! The ‘custom’ size adjustments do not change the text size alas.

Keith Burnett 2004 - 2010