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Leonardo Da Vinci sketch of head with proportions on blue paper

David Reuteler’s Web gallery showing some of the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci has had a stylish re-design. Ruth thinks the black border is competing with the white area containing the thumbnails of the drawings. A quick screen grab and colour fill suggests silver or #cccccc might work better, but these are matters of judgement and choice.

This site presents a useful range of well known drawings in a format that lends itelf to PowerPoint slides and to use in Web pages and student projects.

I have seen the original of these two drawings at The Queen’s Gallery, Holyrood Palace, in an exhibition called The Divine and the Grotesque.

The blue head is around A4 in size, and includes the shoulders and upper torso of the model. I have taken liberties with the contrast of the small version here – the original is on darkish midtone grey-blue paper with ink and black chalk.

The skull cross-section is a detail from a plate that includes two skulls, and I remember the drawing being less burgundy in colour.

Skull cross section drawn in dark red or wine pencil on greyish paper

Keith Burnett 2004 - 2010