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Java version of Hot Potatoes in Linux Xubuntu running under Java 1.5x

Download a Web page containing a Hot Potatoes quiz on multiplying out quadratics.

Download the jqz file used to produce the Web page. This should load into any recent version of Hot Potatoes

The quiz will present a random choice of 10 questions from a bank of 20 questions that I have coded into the quiz. The possible answers for each question will be presented in a different order each time the page is loaded.

Hot Potatoes is a well known suite of quiz generator programs that is available for download and (free) registration. The licence is such that you can use the programs for free without restriction provided you make quizzes available on the Web. I’m using the Maths Quizzes category here to publish my quizzes. The program runs as a Windows executable on Windows, but there is a beta test Java version available for Mac OS X and for Linux. The Java version works fine on Xubuntu provided you have installed a Java run time environment.

Keith Burnett 2004 - 2010