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Prime number podcast

Until Thursday 19th Jan you can download the whole of a 45 minute program about the history of Prime Numbers with contributions from working mathematicians and a historian. There is a handy resources page as well with links to other Web sites and book references, including a recent book by Marcus du Sautoy – one of the contributors. His Shockwaved home page is really quite jazzy actually. The Web site for Music of the Primes has some interesting design on it as well – including a music game driven by prime number sequences.

Melvyn Bragg hosts a radio program called In Our Time that goes out each Thursday morning at 9:00 am on a concept or idea in history. As part of an experiment by the BBC, some of these programs are being made available as MP3 downloads for you to copy to your iPod or MP3 player. The BBC are suggesting that you should listen to the programs within a 7 day period – and that they are for personal use only.

Both Jim and myself logged this venture into podcasting by the BBC and passed the Web address onto colleagues. I hope more programs will become available. I’m working on colleagues to consider producing their own podcasts – why not?

Keith Burnett 2004 - 2010