6 Decimal multiplication 0 59 0 Work out 14.2 x 9.3 100 0 1 132.06 Well done, you did 142 x 93 and then counted two decimal places back 1 100 1 13206 nope - once you have multiplied the numbers you need to move the decimal point back a total of two places 0 0 1 1320.6 nope - you need to move the decimal point back two places, one for the 14.2 and one for the 9.3 0 0 1 170.4 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero down when you multiplied by the 9 in the tens column 0 0 1 0 0 1 3.142 x 16 100 0 1 50.272 Well done, you did 3142 x 16 and then moved the decimal point back three places 1 100 1 502.72 nope - move the decimal point back three places 0 0 1 219.94 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero down when you multiplied by the 1 in the 16 0 0 1 34.072 nope - looks like you have made a mistake with the carries when you were multiplying by the 6 in the 16 0 0 1 0 0 1 17.5 x 45.25 100 0 1 791.875 Well done, you did 4525 x 175 and then counted a total of three decimal places back 1 100 1 79.1875 nope - you need to count 3 decimal places back, one place for the 17.5 and two places for the 45.25 0 0 1 384.625 nope - looks like you put 1 zero down instead of two zeros when multiplying by the 1 in 175 0 0 1 108.25 nope - looks like you forgot to put any zeros down when you were multiplying by the 7 and by the 1 in 175 0 0 1 0 0 1 Find 7.5 x 6.4 100 0 1 48 Well done, 75 x 64 then count back a total of two places 1 100 1 4800 nope - you need to count back two decimal places to make the answer the right size 0 0 1 750 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero when you multipled by the 6 in 64 0 0 1 480 nope - you need to move the decimal point two places, one place for the 7.5 and one place for the 6.4 0 0 1 0 0 1 17.5 x 650 100 0 1 11375 Well done, you multiplied 650 by 175 and then counted back one place (or just multiplied 175 x 65) 1 100 1 1137.5 nope - you have to move the decimal point just once as there are no decimal points in the 650 0 0 1 113750 nope - you need to move the decimal point back one place 0 0 1 7380 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero down when multiplying by the 7 in 175 0 0 1 0 0 1 Find 4.2 x 0.941 100 0 1 3.9522 Well done, you found 941 x 42 and then moved the decimal point back 4 places 1 100 1 5.646 nope - looks like you did not put a zero down when multiplying by the 4 0 0 1 39.522 nope - you have to move the decimal point a total of four places, one for the 4.2 and three for the 0.941 0 0 1 0.39522 nope - you have to move the decimal point a total of four places, one for the 4.2 and three for the 0.941 0 0 1 0 0 1 Find 3.5 x 92 100 0 1 322 Well done. I did this by finding 35 x 92 and then moving the dp back one place. You could add 92 three times then add half of 92! 1 100 1 32.2 nope - correct numbers but you only have to move the decimal point one place 0 0 1 736 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero down when you multiplied by the 3 in 35 0 0 1 312 nope - check the carry when you multiply by the 3 in 35 0 0 1 0 0 1 14.25 x 6.7 100 0 1 95.475 Well done, 1425 x 67 and move the dp back 3 places 1 100 1 954.75 nope - count back 3 places, one for the 6.7 and two for the 14.25 0 0 1 185.25 nope - looks like you forgot to put a zero down when you multiplied by the 6 in 65 0 0 1 96.475 nope - looks like the adding went wrong! 0 0 1 0 0 1 0.05 x 12.56 100 0 1 0.628 Well done, you multiplied 1256 by 5 (or found half of 12560) and then moved the dp back four places 1 100 1 6.28 nope - the numbers are right but you need to move the decimal point back a total of 4 places, two for the 12.56 and two for the 0.05 0 0 1 0.682 nope - looks like you transposed the last two figures. If you transpose figures often, ask your tutor about it 0 0 1 0.528 nope - check your multiplying in the first decimal place, a carry seems to have got lost 0 0 1 0 0 1 1.25 x 6.85 100 0 1 8.5625 Well done, you did 685 x 125 and then moved the dp back 4 places 1 100 1 0.85625 nope - looks like you counted back too many decimal places, it should be 4 places, two for the 1.25 and two for the 6.85 0 0 1 85.625 nope - looks like you counted back too few decimal places, it should be 4 places, two for the 1.25 and two for the 6.85 0 0 1 54.8 nope - you need to add zeros when multiplying by the 10s and 100s column 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Clue => <= X small 0 Restart contents.htm 0 Geneva,Arial,sans-serif three 0 two one #0000CC #000033 :-) Index Show all questions Undo Hint *Check you@yourserver.com Show questions one by one Please enter your name: http://yourserver.com/cgi-bin/FormMail.pl => <= #000000 #ffffff Your time is over! #000066 0 Your score is #0000FF 1 Questions answered correctly first time: 0 #bbbbee OK 0 Check 0 Next correct letter is: Next Please enter a guess, then check. 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